Sunday, October 17, 2010

BP 9

Ning is a social network creation tool that allows the user to create a social Network, such as Facebook etc, that can serve as a unique social group for a specific organization, or group - such as a Marching Band, Booster Organization, Sports Team - or even a classroom.

There are unique themes that you can choose from, or you create your own design with custom CSS sheets. You can also add tabs and sub-tabs that link to new pages (or external URLs). Members can customize their profile pages, just like Facebook, with their own design, choice of widgets and profile applications. 

Your Ning Network can also be set for public, or private for members only. You can also screen members before they join, as well as any photos, videos, groups, chat and events before items are posted.

Ning Networks come with an invitation engine, with full web address book and file importing to enable you and members to invite new members. Members can also cross-post status updates on Twitter and Facebook, and share content across the Internet with additional built-in tools.

There is also a dynamic activity feed of everything happening across your Ning Network, including status updates from members. You can easily track activity.
One of my favorite features is that you have the ability to pull in one or more RSS feeds from a blog, website or news source for an ongoing stream of information. Outgoing RSS feeds can also be created for features on public networks.

Members will have the ability to upload and share photos and videos. Members will also have the option to embed your branded photo slideshows or video players anywhere on the Web, with a link back to your Ning Network.

Since, in my situation as Marching Band Director, I am dealing mostly with teen members, the ability to enable your members to see who's online and chat in real-time with the chat feature. Choose to have chat appears as a persistent bar across the bottom of your Ning Network or as a dedicated tab.

We have many sections of the Marching Band, such as Drumline and Colorguard, so students can create groups on the Ning Network with images, membership, comments and a dedicated discussion forum. 

We can also enable blogging for every member of the group, as well as organize events and track RSVPs.

"Jim likes this" (*mouse click on Like*) - "I'm a Fan" (*mouse click on become a fan*). This is a fantastic tool for communicating in a current user friendly environment (similar to Facebook). The only limitation or drawback is that there is a price tag. Depending on the level of ownership, it could cost as little as $20 per year up to $500 a year! The $20 plan is perfect for High School groups and small Booster Organizations.

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